Amelia Ang

Kids' Kingdom CDLC

Amelia Ang
31 Jul 2020

Together We Care

Considering the current climate where our elderly are strongly encouraged to stay home, our School Kids’ Kingdom CDLC decided to launch our SSDB project by raising funds to purchase daily essentials to be delivered to these seniors and low income families in our neighbourhood.

With the kind generosity of the parents in our centre, we were able to get sponsors for masks and raised funds to purchase daily essentials for 100 Care Packs.

Children from Nursery to Kindergarten 2 were able to play their part actively by packing these essentials. What is also exciting is every child contributed to this project, with the help from parents and teachers, our children from Playground to Kindergarten 2 made well-wishes cards to be included in the Care Packs.

Partnering with HOPE Worldwide (Singapore) and their volunteers, together with some of our teachers, we made doorstep delivery to 100 families living in 2 rental blocks behind our centre.

It has indeed been a meaning time for all!

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