Jaslene Peh Hai May

Lakeside (LA)

Jaslene Peh Hai May
15 Jul 2022

Showing Our Appreciation @ Pat's Schoolhouse (Lakeside)

With our SSDB project titled ‘Kindness with Mindfulness’, children have been actively demonstrating kindness and being mindful of their actions and words through greeting teachers in school and saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ without much reminders. With the facilitation of our teachers, children have also shown good perspective taking skills by attempting to problem solve during conflicts to come to a mutual agreement.

Our children have also been actively showing appreciation to people around them by saying a simple ‘thank you’. Here’s photos of our preschool children creating and completing crafts as gifts for their dearest daddies and mummies. Children have also performed for teachers to record and share with their families during Mother’s Day and Father’s Day in May and June respectively.

As updated in our last sharing, children wrote thank you notes as well as prepared care packs as a form of appreciation for the virtual ‘Safety and Graciousness’ Talk by SBS Transit. Our teachers have sent it to Boon Lay Bus Interchange last Friday, 8th July. Special thanks to SBS Transit for helping to coordinate the virtual workshop as well as sending photos over for us to share with our children that the care packs they have packed are well received! Hope these care packs are useful and have brighten your day!

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