Cynthia Tan

My First Skool @ Fajar Road, Fajar Hills Blk 443A

Cynthia Tan
28 Aug 2018

SPD Fundraising Carnival cum Family Day 2018 - My First Skool at Fajar

For our SSDB project this year, our school has decided to use the motto “Caring for Others Together” as our guiding principle. As such, we aim to encourage children to help the less fortunate and develop social awareness and compassion by joining SPD in raising funds for people with disabilities.

The children spent some time in class discussing about what they understood under the word “disabilities” and how they would like to support people with disabilities. In conjunction with Family Day, the children decided to organise a fund-raising carnival where proceeds went to SPD.

On 4th August 2018 (Saturday), many activities were spread throughout the large open space outside school for the children and families. From carnival games and Zumba workouts to delicious snacks and adorable photo booth, the event had something for everyone. Some of the foods the children and staff had prepared included egg mayo sandwiches, candy floss and chia seed jelly.

As part of a discussion on showing care and respect for the environment, a recyclables collection was held a few weeks prior to the event, where children and families from all classes brought in recyclable items from home to be reused during the carnival. Some of the games they had made using recycled materials such as plastic bottles and tin cans, included “Ping Pong Blow”, “Toss the Hoops” and “Strike the Cans”.

A clothing and accessories donation drive was also held where children and families from all classes brought in new or near-new items from home to be sold during the carnival as well. It received an overwhelming response from families who wished to contribute to this meaningful project.

The children also enjoyed some fun time with face painting, where little cheeks were adorned with fancy designs. The children and staff were responsible for the coin-filled donation tin and took good care of it. At first, they were scared about asking people for donations, but they had gained more confidence now.

One coin at a time and soon the jingling of the coins was no longer so hollow in the tin cans. The children and families helped to raise the much-needed funds to keep the programmes and services running for the beneficiaries of SPD and provide subsidies for those who are unable to pay for the service(s) that they require.

This carnival was clearly success based on the happy faces and smiles of children, parent and staff. They were satisfied in the knowledge that they had made a difference in someone’s lives. A total of $1010.98 was collected from the donation drive. A big thank you to all children, families and staff for making this event a success!

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