Joey Lim

Kiddiwinkie Schoolhouse @ Novena Pte Ltd

Joey Lim
24 Sep 2021

Phase 2: Kindess - A gift everyone can afford to give!

As we journey on in spreading kindness, children at Kiddiwinkie@Novena were busy preparing and collecting food donation to fill up our Kindness Box. 

They gave their best effort in decorating our boxes with beautiful illustrations to make the children at Melrose Home happy and feeling loved. Most of all, they cheerfully put in the food and other essentials inside the Kindness Box and fill them up to the brim.

Our children also made some Kindness Keychains to be distributed to everyone at the home. To show more love and concern, the K1’s stepped up by creating real and beautiful Kindness Cards to make positive impressions. This sure will lift the mood of anyone that receives it.

Thanks to our supportive and ever generous parents who lovingly modelled to their child a simple yet powerful way of showing Kindness!

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