George Er

MY World Preschool Limited @ Yishun Fern Grove

George Er
3 Aug 2023

Our Multi-Cultural Museum (Part 1)

The children embarked on a journey to explore the rich cultural heritage of Singapore in April 2023. Made up of Chinese, Malay, Indian and various other ethnicities and cultures, Singapore has indeed created its own unique identity.

To create awareness of our multi-cultural society, we built the learning environment by setting up a mini multi-cultural museum in our school, bringing cultural immersion to the children. As we went along, we also collaborated with the community and families to enhance children’s learning experiences. Setting up our museum

Our Multi-Cultural Museum is all ready for “visiting”! (Chinese, Malay, Indian and Eurasian)

Food from the different ethnic groups - created using materials such as crepe papers, cardboards, yarn etc.

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