SSDB: SAVE THE REEF, GOODBYE TO GRIEF! Stage 15:In stage 15, the children explored and recapped on what are corals and the importance of protecting these unique animals! Thereafter, the children engaged in making ...
去少年红十字会当小英雄 爱乐思幼儿园的小创新者们来到了红十字会的大本营,对之前进行的急救知识和包扎使用技巧进行了简单的总结。这次的活动让小创新者们对红十字会存在的意义有了一个更深刻的理解,也促进了小创新者们和社会的关系,让他们更加自发主动的去帮助和关爱他人。最开始的提问环节,让场上的气氛快速破冰,小创新者们都积极的举手回应,立刻就对今天的活动产生了满满的期待。活动的开始,红十...
“It Takes A Lot of Blue to Stay Green” K1’s and K2’s have embarked our SSDB journey through reading the adventures of our water heroes ; Water Wally and Water Sally when they brought water to Terry who was trapped ...
社区中的小英雄——保护水资源 参加一个关于“水”的意识课程是英雄卡中的一个重要任务。从小开始培养照顾环境和保护环境的意识,是成为社区环境小英雄的第一步。接下来让我们跟随着爱乐思幼儿园N2B班级的孩子们的脚步一起来看看他们在学习旅途中的一些活动和经验吧!在课程开始时,孩子们首先学习了水的重要性。他们了解到水是人类生活中不可或缺的资源,它不仅能用于饮用和洗涤,还能有其他重要的用途。孩子...
Kid’s Go Green Carnival Our center organised the “Kids Go Green” Carnival to raise awareness of environmental issues and promote our “Go Green” program which is inspired by the Singapore Green Plan ...
Saving Bumi Charity Drive by Skool4kidz Preschool @ Marsiling Drive Skool4kidz Preschool @ Marsiling Drive embarked on a Saving Bumi Charity Drive to sell art and crafts made by our students using sustainable materials. Proceeds went to the ...
SSDB: SAVE THE REEF, GOODBYE TO GRIEF! Stage 6:In stage 6, the children explored the life cycle of a muscular and cold- blooded sea creature, the shark!The children learnt fun facts about the shark as well as how ...
SSDB: SAVE THE REEF, GOODBYE THE GRIEF! Stage 10:In stage 10, the children learnt about another poisonous animal, the Jellyfish! We watched an educational clip on why the jellyfish stings and what causes its’ stings ...
Visit to Marina Barrage Sustainable Gallery. Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle. #ssdb To reinforce our centre’s SSDB theme, “Re-Use Me” , the children went for a trip to Marina Barrage-Sustainable Gallery last 13 of July 2023.The children learnt the effects of ...