Tan Huiyu

Little Footprints Preschool (Balestier)

Tan Huiyu
30 Aug 2017

World Water Day @ Little Footprints Preschool (Balestier)

Following our launch of SSDB at LFP@Balestier, a newspaper article regarding World Water Day in Singapore was published. It was shared with the children during current affairs.

Our children have learnt about how the Four National Taps (NEWater, rain, imported water, and sea water) work, our current and future needs, and also the amount of household water used per person in a day. Water is essential in our every day’s routines; hence the children came up with some ideas to save water in our attempt to help reach the targeted amount of water in the future!

The K1 and K2 children suggested to collect rainwater and use it to water plants, flushing the toilets and also for Aunty, our school cleaner, to clean the toilets. Fortunately for us, it looked like it was going to rain on the day we made our discussion! Hence we hurried out to the back alley with our pails.

So here we are placing pails at our back door to collect some rainwater! The next day, we went back out to collect our pails of water to prepare for plants watering and toilet cleaning.

Watering the plants with our collected rainwater.

Helping Aunty to flush the toilet.

Passing our remaining rainwater to Aunty for cleaning of the toilet.

After what they have done, the children felt motivated and inspired to brainstorm on more ideas to “make every drop count”! As rainwater cannot be used to shower, children proposed to shower with pails of water instead of using the shower head to save some water too. 

As a trial, we have decided to give a count of 20 cups of water for each person to shower.

Here is a boy from K1 showering with the cup provided! 

After shower time, the children sat down together for a discussion through a short reflection. Showering with 20 cups seemed to be more than sufficient for each child and therefore the children agreed on trying with 15 cups instead the next time. 

Children at LFP@Balestier have learnt a valuable lesson out of class and understood how important and essential it is to save water even though we can easily get it out of a tap. We felt a need to continue this culture and hence Fridays are chosen for our water ration exercise. It is exciting for the children as they know that this small effort will make a big difference to the world! Let’s make every drop count!

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