Averbel Child Development Centre

25 May 2017

Water Rationing Project

Before launching this project, our K2 teacher, Ms Kathleen, presented slides with songs on the importance of saving water. Children were then given pledges to write on how they can save water. The K1 and K2 also participated in the “Save Water Colouring Contest”.

                    K2 Writing their Pledges

K2 Colouring Contest Winners

K1 Colouring Contest Winners

Save Water Day!

Today is our Water Rationing Day, our water supply was shut down from 9am to 1pm. Our children helped to gather the donated recycled plastic bottles and filled them with water to use for these 4hours. They were eager and helpful.

When children realized there was no water from the taps and toilet flush and they could only use limited water from the recycled bottles, they were really careful with using the limited water. They reminded one another not to waste water.

The teachers had a “self reflection” session with the children in the afternoon on how they felt about the “Water Rationing” Project. The children shared that they were surprised that they could survive with less water. They discussed other ways to save and recycle water and will go home to share the message with family members and others that water is very precious and we should save water.

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