Teacher Suraiyah

Al-Muttaqin Mosque Kindergarten

Teacher Suraiyah
21 Sep 2021

Water is precious

Our Little Agents are serious in advocating their water conservation project!

After learning about the water rationing situation in post-independence Singapore in the 1960s, our Little Agents were determined as ever to participate in a 4-day Water Rationing Exercise.

For the first experience, the children brought their own toothbrush, toothpaste, and mug so that they saved water while toothbrushing using a mug. 

For the second experience, they brought an empty 500ml water bottle from home. They filled the bottle with water in school and use that to wash their hands, before and after eating, during pantry time.

It was observed that some children were enthusiastic in conserving water that they refilled water only once to last them throughout the 4 days. What a great achievement!

At the end of the exercise, the children became more aware of how precious water is and they planned to spread this message to their family members at home to conserve water.

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