Ms Sonia

Pariposa Preschool

Ms Sonia
25 Jul 2018

Superheroes Caring For The Environment: Distributing Posters to the Community

When learning about caring for the environment, our children mentioned they wanted to raise awareness by making posters and giving it to our community.

We can write something and paste it outside school.” - Song Ji Hwan, K2

The process of making our posters was an interesting one where it involved thinking and researching.

After thinking about the message we wanted to share, we started making our posters. However, we noticed that it had too much detail and others could not tell what we were trying to say.

So we decided to do some research on posters and noticed that they did not have many words or pictures - one look at a poster and you could tell what the message is. With that idea in mind, we began designing our posters once again.. Look at the amazing work our children came up with!

Putting our children’s work together, our teachers created a poster to advertise our fund-raising event which was just two weeks away!

Following our theme of Superheroes in the Community, it was a wonderful link to our fund-raising as we headed outside to hand out posters to people in our community.

Our children visited the local post office and took a walk around our neighbourhood, meeting and greeting people as they shared about our fund-raising event.

It was so inspiring seeing our children take ownership of their fund-raising event and we are all very proud of them! Excellent work, friends!

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