
Bethel Day Care Centre

1 Sep 2017

Start Small Dream Big Project Phase 3 and 4: Preparation prior to visiting All Saints Home (ASH)

Prior to visiting All Saints Home (ASH), our K1 and K2 children learnt more about the Home and its residents through role-play and by watching its corporate video.

Thereafter, children brainstormed and decided on the games that they were keen to play with the residents at ASH. These games included bowling, snake and ladder, beanbag toss and play dough etc.

As the children and teachers were keen to leave the game items at ASH for the residents, they decided to use recycled materials. They discussed, explored and decided on the relevant materials used to make the items in each game. Look at how serious they are in making the respective game materials!

More importantly, the school also involved the parents in giving back to the community by encouraging them to donate food items and other daily necessities to ASH. Look at their generous contribution!

Both teachers and children helped to pack the goodies and pasted the “Start Small Dream Big” stickers onto the goodie bags.

Children enjoyed, learnt about empathy and giving with a willing heart through this process. ☺

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