Diana Sridevi D/O Balasubramaniam

Star Learners @ North East Pte Ltd

Diana Sridevi D/O Balasubramaniam
3 May 2023

Star Learners @ North East Pte Ltd Launch Party 2023

Our children participated in the Launch Party on 26th April 2023. We started the party with a short presentation of our centre’s theme, Caring for all through kindness.

The children were then engaged in a series of kindness activities such as kindess game and kindness hands. They shared about who and how they would like to be kind to the people around them. Some shared, “ I want to be kind to my friends. Help them take books and keep their water bottle.”

We collaborated with Families for Life in the planning of the talk for parents. An invited speaker from Conerstone Community Services, Ms Lew Mi Yih came down to give a talk to our parents on the different tips and strategies to staying connected in a 3G family. She shared about the importance of communication and being kind to every family member by taking the perspectives and views of each other. Our parents learned a lot of practical tips and tricks from the sharing. Here’s to a great start to SSDB 2023!

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