Nurul Sufiah Binte Abdul Hadi

My First Skool @ Cassia Crescent Blk 52

Nurul Sufiah Binte Abdul Hadi
29 Apr 2023

SSDB Launch Party: Sustainability

On 27th April 2023, we launched our Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project “Sustainability, Our Responsibility”.

Through embarking on this project, we will be focusing on the importance of sustainability, what roles can we play and we hope to foster the sense of responsibility in them.

On our launch day, we brought our children to the Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden, in hand with our field trip. 

As we took a stroll in the garden, observing the scenery,  we talked about “What does Sustainability means to me?”. The children were so excited to share their inputs.

“Care the plants”


As we sat down for a picnic, the children had to complete a simple activity sheet whereby they had to colour the acts of sustainability and caring for our environment. 

“Cannot put fire in rubbish”

“Recycle, no throw”

It was lovely to see the children voicing out their thoughts on caring the environment to their parents as they completed it together. Of course, as they had their picnic, it involves paper and plastic packaging right? Well, some parents took the opportunity to ask their children questions such as “Do we throw or recycle this?” “Which recycling bin can we discard this to?” 

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