Francisco Maria Elizabeth Castro

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Fengshan Blk 126 (DS)

Francisco Maria Elizabeth Castro
13 Oct 2021

SSDB Finale 2021 (A Home for You and Me)

The K1 (KN) children learned about the different homes of animal - their habitat. They inferred that just like their own homes, the animals’ habitats must be neat, clean and safe as well.

With this, they sketched their ideal habitat for their favourite animal. 

The children has displayed confidence in expressing their ideas with their peers and teamwork as they strived to complete the task together. 

Lastly, look at how beautiful these creations are! 

Through this SSDB Project, the children were able to extend empathy towards all kinds animals, learn about ways to show love to Mother Earth and most importantly, live a more sustainable life! 🌿

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