Ms Kar Yin

Little Footprints Preschool (Jurong East 248)

Ms Kar Yin
12 Oct 2022

SSDB Finale: ‘I Value My Family’

The children had better understanding of these values. To conclude, we gathered all the children from Playgroup - K2 to recap on the values that they have learnt. With the little handprints that they did, they pasted them on the tree to represent a pledge ‘I will…. say kind words, show care and concern, respect everyone and play my part.’

To end off, the children danced and sang to the song, ‘I Value My Family’.

We have come to an end of our SSDB project. We hope that children will continue to incorporate these values that they have learnt into their lives. Thank you for journeying with us!

“No one can do everything but everyone can do something.” #SSDB2022

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