Ms Gretel Eng

Picket Fence @ Macpherson

Ms Gretel Eng
4 Aug 2022

SSDB 2022: Picket Fence @ Macpherson Presents - 'My Family, My Community'

As part of our Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) Project this year titled ‘My Family, My Community’, we are instilling values such as kindness, empathy, compassion and inclusiveness in our children.

In the first week, we explored different ways to care for our family. The PG children had the opportunity to learn how to identify the names of their family members through finger puppets.

After which, the PG children decorated a photo frame for their family using stickers.

To show appreciation to their family members, the Nursery 1 children created a portrait of their family members using playdoh. They were excited to present this gift to their loved ones. 

The Nursery 1 also did finger painting to make their love letters. They drew things that their family members liked such as hearts, finger families, balloons and butterflies. These love letters were mailed to their parents as a surprise!

The Nursery 2 children had the opportunity to learn how to do different household chores. From this activity, they learnt important skills and ways they can contribute to family life.

The Nursery 2 children also prepared a dance performance titled ‘爸爸妈妈谢谢你’ to express their love for their moms and dads.

After learning about different things families can do to support and care for each other, the Kindergarten 1 and 2 children were given a task to create a list of questions to ask their parents when they get home. This allows them to find out more about their parents when they were at their age.

The Kindergarten 1 and 2 children had the opportunity to share the answers they have collected from their ‘Question & Answer’ sheet. The class learnt more about one another’s parents and identified similarities and differences.

The children learnt that their little act of kindness can mean so much to others. A simple “thank you” and a hug can light up people’s day.

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