Maria Fe

Carpe Diem @ Hilltop

Maria Fe
27 Aug 2018

SSDB 2018: “World Environment Day @Hilltop”

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Mead

SSDB Carnival @ Hilltop 2018: “World Environment Day @ Hilltop”

As we promoting environmental awareness to our children, our centre celebrated SSDB Carnival with a theme “World Environment Day @Hilltop” last 5th June 2018. With the collaboration of our supportive parents, dedicated teachers and children we made merchandises, artworks, photo and games booth that made out of recycled materials that can be sold in the event and all proceeds will be donated to the Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES) as our chosen beneficiary.

As our preparation, our parents did not hesitate to help us in bringing recycled materials that we can use in our project. All levels have their own participation to make this event possible. Each level made a creative and innovative crafts to offer during our carnival event.

Our K2 children decided to make an “animal _keychains_” using recycled plastic containers. They traced the outline of the animals that they want and used permanent markers to add some colours to it. The other group, had “_animal themed pencil holder_” made of mixing paints.

K1 children proudly made their own “_frisbee_”. They helped one another in cutting, pasting and making a colourful collage on the frisbee using plastic cover of containers. Some of them made a “_grow pot kit_’ using paper collage with their personal drawings.

N2 children made their own version of skipping ropes, Tutu skirts, flower bouquet, Chapteh using plastic bags, upcycled t-shirt head bands and bags.

N1 children presented their Art Gallery such as blue whale portrait using plastic bags, flower pots using old crocs shoes/slippers and colourful animal crafts made of plastic bottles.

Playgroup children was assigned in putting up “_Photo booth_” presenting big mascots such as Captain Green and Zero Waste Man all made of recycled materials.

Our children were all proud and excited to present and sell their creative crafts during the whole event as our parents were invited to join us. Our teachers together with our K1’s and K2’s facilitated each booth. The feedback from our participants were overwhelming as we had a successful teacher-parent-child collaboration.

At the end of our Carnival, we were proud to make a profit of $1856 and all proceeds will go to Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES).

Indeed, “We believe that children are never too young to contribute to the community. No one can do everything but everyone can do something”.

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