Yeo Si Hui

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Bishan East-Sin Ming Blk 197 (KN)

Yeo Si Hui
3 Aug 2020

Spread Love, Not Germs

With the COVID-19 outbreak and before the circuit breaker, teachers and children had discussions and sharing on how the frontline professionals are working very hard to keep Singapore clean and safe. To show our appreciation and gratitude, children made ‘Thank You’ cards, drew and wrote notes of encouragement and appreciation to thank the frontline professionals.

After the circuit breaker and back in school, teachers and children continue to advocate good practices and safe distancing measures to keep ourselves safe and healthy in school and at home.

We brainstormed and shared on what we can do to play our part to keep our community, school and home safe from COVID-19. The children communicated these important messages to their family and friends through video recordings of song, rap and skit.

Some children found it challenging to wear their masks during work and play in school. After discussion and knowing why wearing of masks are important during the coronavirus outbreak, they created mask craft and wrote a little pledge to encourage one another to wear their masks. To instil COVID-Safe ABCs into our daily routines, we sang songs, read stories relating to COVID-19 and created ‘Back to School with Our New ABCs’ booklets.

To better understand the importance of safe distancing, children played games and conducted simple experiment using spray bottle with water and paper towel to find out how droplets travelled in the air. With safe distancing, it will help everyone to reduce their contact with one another, people will be less likely to pass the germs around and minimise the spread of disease.

We are advised to keep a safe distance of at least 1 metre from others, children used recyclable materials (non-standard units) in the classroom to measure and find out the length of 1 metre.

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