Liyana Jalil

SDM Childcare Centre Pte Ltd (CCK)

Liyana Jalil
27 Oct 2023

SDM Finale: Visit to St. Luke Eldercare

Our children decided to show appreciation and care to the elderly by visiting an eldercare centre.

In preparation for the trip, we invited the Playgroup to Kindergarten 2 parents to the centre for ‘Breakfast with Parents’. They enthusiastically crafted yarn and pipe cleaner coasters with their child. The art pieces were nicely framed and intended as a gift to the elderly.

For the SSDB Finale, our K2 children and some of K1 children that are in our Jazz enrichment class visited St Luke’s Eldercare Centre. The children engaged in playing passing-coloured balls with the elderly and sang songs to them. They also did an artwork together with them by doing an abstract art piece using oil pastel. The visit concluded with a special performance by the Jazz Group children! This experience left the children with a sense of achievement and joy, knowing they brought to the elderly at the eldercare centre.

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