Ms Jeannie Anne Salve Alvarez Luces

Spring Brainy Kidz @ Ubi

Ms Jeannie Anne Salve Alvarez Luces
14 Oct 2022

Scavenger Hunt with Touch Ubi Community

Touch community has been our partner for the past years and we did some activities like penpal and meeting them through ZOOM. This year, as we welcomed the new phases where we can meet each other, we did not hesitate to contact them and made this face to face meeting push through.

K1 children kicked off the activity and other levels followed.

Next level to meet for the scavenger hunt were the N2 children. Though it was their first time to be exposed in this kind of activity, they were still excited to meet new friends and played with them. N2 children and Touch Community clients were regrouped and teamed up. Each group were competitive in finding the shops around them. The first group to complete the hunt won the game and received prices.

The following week, 1 class from K2 and another class from K1 went down, Monday and Tuesday, respectively and met their friends. Though it was still a scavenger hunt but they were different topics. Some are places in the neighbourhood, some are shops, and nature hunt! Another K2 class went down for the last scavenger hunt and it was a fun and exciting activity.

Children were asked after their scavenger hunt activity about how and what they feel when they met new friends. Some responses that we got were; “It was tiring but fun.”- Kimi, “I like to play with them again.”, “My friend can only walk slow but we waited for him so we can finish the game together.”- Hao Wei, “We lost the game and it was okay. We had fun.”- Alize.

To end the scanvenger hunt activities, we had our exchange of friendship banners which were decorated by both parties with friendship themed drawings. 

The game not only made the children enjoy the activity yet it was a meaningful one as they get to meet new friends.

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