Goleniewski Ninia Sevasothie Maranan

Little Olive Tree (Ghim Moh)

Goleniewski Ninia Sevasothie Maranan
13 Aug 2019

Ready, Set and Pack!

One of our partners is the S.A.R.A.H Seniors activity center at Bukit Merah. We are planning to have our “Big celebration” as a closure for the SSDB project as well as to give them joy for the upcoming National Day. We’re hitting two birds with one stone because as we celebrate the National day we are also celebrating our small step towards reaching our big dreams. From Pg2 to K2, they have decorated the goody bags that they will give to the elderly to give at S.A.R.A.H.

Our centre has humbly asked the parents to donate goodies/foods that the elderly needs. The response was great and the food donations keep coming every day. The children then packed goodies on their own and filled their kindness bags with different things like biscuits and powdered beverages. 

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