Wong Lai Meng

MFS - Edgedale Plains

Wong Lai Meng
18 May 2023

Police Preschool Talk

As we progressed to the second month of our SSDB project, children continued to explore ways to show their appreciation to the people around them.

The teachers introduced several community helpers that make Singapore a safe place to live in. They are police, firefighters, doctors and nurses.

On 15 May 2023, the community police officers delivered a preschool talk in our center. Children prepared questions to ask the police officers. Through the interview questions and the police preschool talk, they developed better understanding of how the police works. With this new understanding, the children displayed the positive learning disposition of appreciation as they thanked them for the safe environment in which they grow up.

Children also learnt about topics of fighting, stealing and vandalizing. They developed greater awareness of social norms and realized that they too have a part to contribute to the safety in the community.

In the police talk, children also learnt about the tools and vehicles police use to work effectively. Children talked about the five tools that policemen carry with them on their belts. They are walkie-talkies with mic, extendable batons, guns (pistols), bullets and handcuffs. The children experienced sitting in the police car. They learnt about the blinker lights and the sirens of the police cars are to alert the other road users so that they can give way to the police car on duty.

Through the physical interactive session with the community police officers, children developed greater respect for the police, our community helpers. They could appreciate and thank the police for making Singapore a safe place for all to enjoy. 

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