Sangeetha D/O Asathamby

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Jurong Spring Blk 553 (CC)

Sangeetha D/O Asathamby
30 Jul 2020

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @Jurong Spring Blk 553

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Jurong Spring Blk 553 embarked on a theme ‘Love Begins with Me’ for our SSDB in 2019. This year, we would like to continue to show our love, care, concern and kindness to one another especially in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic. We decided to partner with Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) Agency to help our children understand the importance of being kind to others as well as show love, care and concern to others; as encompassed in the Social and Emotional Development (SED) domain in the Nurturing Early Learners’ Framework. Our children were taught and learnt about how they can show their love, care, concern and kindness towards their family, friends, teachers and others in a simplest way while partnering with ‘Singapore Kindness Movement’. Our children were also introduced to the 5 vital ‘Magic Words’ such as ‘Thank You’, ‘You’re Welcome’, ‘Excuse Me’, ‘Please’ and ‘Sorry’. Teachers used the ‘Magic Words’ posters provided by SKM to promote the use of these words. The posters were displayed around the classrooms where everyone will have the opportunity to create awareness and meet the learning objectives of our SSDB project this year. In addition, our older children role-played different scenarios where they can practice the use of the ‘Magic Words’. Children enjoyed and spent their time meaningfully by painting the ‘Thank You’ posters and also had the opportunity to share how they can spread love, care, concern and kindness to others. We hope all the teachers and our children will be able to inculcate, inspire and encourage the value of love, care, concern and kindness with one another. Let’s All Spread Love! 💖💞💖

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