Oh Bee Nah Kathleen

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Admiralty Blk 687B (DS)

Oh Bee Nah Kathleen
26 Apr 2019

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Admiralty Blk 687B (DS). “Little Kindness can change the World”

As the saying goes “Big changes start with small steps”, so the teachers and children of PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Admiralty Blk 687B believe that ‘an act of kindness can change the world’. It all begins with a small step a day.

On 15th April 2019, we launched our SSDB Project “Little Kindness”.  We aim to show and spread kindness to the people in our neighborhood.  A simple greeting and saying “thank you” to make others feel good- a step to show we are kind to each other. 

We started the project by inculcating kind gestures in the classroom, such as helping a friend and aunties (support staff).  We encourage children to make a pledge on how to show kindness at home too! 

We are ready to embark our SSDB project 2019 by being kind to our family and friends, to our neighbors and even the environment! 

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