Lai JieLing

Buckley (BU)

Lai JieLing
26 Apr 2022

Pass the Love: Appreciate is…

“The heart that gives thanks is a happy one, for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time.” - Douglas Wood

We believe a happy child is a child who practices gratitude. The act of practicing gratitude allows one to embrace the present and stay hopeful about the future.

Pat’s Schohouse@Buckley SSDB Project is geared towards instilling a sense of gratitude in our students by beginning with their families.

Our aim is to help children understand what appreciation is and how they can show appreciation to their families.

Our SSDB Project was launched on 18th April. To embark on this journey of appreciation, we engaged our Nursery to K2 parents to pen down what appreciation means to them. These notes were collated at the end of the week and would be read to the children in the upcoming week. We are hopeful that these notes would give the children a glimpse to understanding appreciation from the perspective of their parents.

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