Valerie Tan Si Jie

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Tanjong Pagar-Tiong Bahru Blk 1E (KN)

Valerie Tan Si Jie
17 Sep 2021

N2 - Love. Care. Respect the elderly

Throughout this SSDB project, our N2 had gained greater insights in understanding the importance of their grandparents and elderly.

We used various activities such as role plays, weekly show-and-tell, dress up day, stories to inculcate the importance of respecting our elders.

The children created a journal and documented the activities that they had done with their grandparents over the June holidays. When they are back in school, they did a weekly show-and-tell.

We also had a dress up day where we involved everyone in school to come dressed as elderly. We role play and had children to ‘help’ the elderly.

Last but not least, during our main highlight, we invited elderly from LionBefrienders and St. Luke’s nursing home, together with the children and their grandparents, to make mooncake over zoom!

Ingredients were given beforehand and we made the snowskin mooncakes over zoom! During the event, children helped their grandparents along too!

They were intrigued by the activity and learnt the importance to love, care and most importantly respect the elders.

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