Artemis Preskool @ Tampines

Artemis PreSkool @ Tampines

Artemis Preskool @ Tampines
7 Sep 2023

Marine Conservation - Artemis Preskool @ Tampines

Our SSDB project began in May 2023, during which we sought parental assistance in collecting bottle caps to launch our initiative. Following that, the N2s-K2 students visited the Sea Aquarium, where they received support and a talk from World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Subsequently, the K1-K2 students, along with the assistance of WWF and our parents, conducted a beach cleanup to gather litter, which was then utilized in creating recyclable art pieces representing chosen marine species

This year, our goal is to contribute to the conservation and awareness of marine life. We plan to achieve this through beach cleanups, transforming trash into art, and fundraising to adopt a shark. This initiative serves as a powerful reminder that even as children, we possess the ability to make a difference in our world with the support of adults around us.

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