Goleniewski Ninia Sevasothie Maranan

Little Olive Tree (Ghim Moh)

Goleniewski Ninia Sevasothie Maranan
13 Aug 2019

Knock, knock, Special Delivery!

Partnering with Dorcas Home Care, the children from PCS Ghim Moh delivered food for the elderly as well. We have invited parents to join and experience meals delivery with their child.

We opened the actvity for the PG2 to K2 class, and some of the parents were on board in helping out. The children went to different blocks around Ghim Moh neighbourhood. They knocked on their doors with a smile and even chatted with them for a while. The children learned a great deal about how the elderly go about their lives. The elderly people were also very gracious in accepting the food from the children which put a smile on everyone’s faces.

Prior to leaving the centre, the children were asked to observed during the trip. The children drew and wrote ways on how they can help the elderly. Here are some of the drawings that the Nursery to K2 have drawn.

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