Seriyani Bte Kasimon

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Fengshan Blk 108 (CC)

Seriyani Bte Kasimon
14 Oct 2020

It’s a wrap!

At the end of the project, we contributed care packs to the healthcare workers at NUH to show our appreciation of their work and effort in fighting the pandemic.

With the support from our parents, we managed to gather some of the items for the care pack. We also invited the parents to work together with their children to write an appreciation message to the healthcare workers on a piece of cardboard which was then created into a fridge magnet.

In addition, the children also created a pencil holder which was made out of toilet paper core. This activity reinforced their learning on recycling, which was to turn items that are no longer in use into something useful.

Lastly, we would like to say thank you to everyone who took part in our little project. It has been a meaningful learning journey for our children, families and teachers.

Remember, each of us has a role to play in taking care of our environment. Let us all do our part in taking small steps towards achieving our dreams. Because….. no one can do everything, but everything can do something!

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