Tan Ruo Rui 陈姝睿

EB0009 E-Bridge Pre-School (Edgedale Plains PGLCCC)

Tan Ruo Rui 陈姝睿
27 Oct 2020

E-Bridge Preschool@78 Edgedale Plains “A big thanks to our favorite Teachers!”

Date: 06.09.2020 “ Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.”- Japanese Proverbs. We celebrated our teachers on 3rd September 2020. They have worked relentlessly despite the pandemic and we truly appreciate them. all of use dressed in white and denim during the celebration.We showed our appreciation to our teachers by giving them fruits to keep themselves healthy. Not only that, we made them cards and attached them to the fruits. The teachers were delighted to receive the fruits from us. We hope that our teachers enjoyed the fruits as much as we have enjoyed preparing them.

Some of us went around the school to wish and thank all the teachers for their sacrifices and hard work. We met some of our teachers who taught us previously and conveyed our gratitude towards them, as well. We spent some time singing and dancing with our teachers and we presented a song for our teachers. Watch the video to see us in action! Although it was only a day of celebration, we value our teachers and and we love them every single day!


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