Domingo Angela Castro

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Sembawang Central Blk 503C (EY)

Domingo Angela Castro
31 Oct 2022

Displaying Care for the Environment Through Planting

For this year’s “Start Small Dream Big” project, our centre embarked on educating the children about the importance of taking care of the environment through planting. We would like the children to experience planting and for them to witness how it grows and what it can provide to us.

We celebrated the Earth day last 25th of April 2022 and as part of the celebration, we launched our SSDB project by teaching what it means to take good care of the environment. The children learned about ways on how to protect the earth and all the living things in the planet. The children learned about the importance of plants in our community and the things it can provide to the animals and human-beings. They did some activities related to planting such as planting green beans, making a tree bookmark and sensory planting bin for the younger children.

Our centre collaborated with the Sembawang Town Council for the children to be introduced to the various types of fruit-bearing plants. The Nursery 2 children had the opportunity to visit the community garden during their outdoor walks. The community gardeners introduced the different kinds of fruits and vegetables planted in the garden. The children explored the garden under the supervision of their teachers and community staffs.

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