Seet Wendy

Carpe Diem Childcare Resort

Seet Wendy
6 Jul 2020

Carpe Diem Childcare Resort: SSDB Water for You, Me and the World.

Our SSDB Launch Party was officially launched on 22nd June 2020. The aims of our project is for children to understand the importance and role of water for the environment and playing a part to conserve water.

Our excited Nursery 2, Kindergarten 1 and 2 children dressed in blue (symbolising water) for the launch party. Here are some highlighted events that took place.

Activity 1: Art Crafts

Nursery 2

Do you know that oil and water do not mix? Through creating the “Sensory Bottles”, the N2s learnt that when they mix water and oil together, there will always be 2 separated layers. This leads them to further explore on water pollution and how it affects the sea creatures.

Kindergarten 1

Where can you find water? How did water get into the ocean? While making our “Ocean Bottles”, we learnt that we can find water in the ocean and water gets into the ocean by a process known as “The Water Cycle”.

Kindergarten 2

What is transparent? Has tentacles? Live in the water? The colour of the body will change according to the colour of the lighting? The children created their “Jellyfish in a Bottle” and found out that the jellyfish’s body is made up of 95% water. They made predictions on what might happen to the jellyfish if there is no water or if there is water pollution? They also brain-storm ideas to help to conserve water in order to save the jellyfish.

Activity 2: Water Saving Pledge

Nursery 2, Kindergarten 1 & 2

We might be small but we can also do our part. We made our pledge and promise to help to conserve water in different ways such as using a watering can to water the plants, take a shorter shower such as 5 minutes and also using a mug to rinse our mouth during toothbrushing.

Activity 3: Water Theme Songs & Dance

We learnt water saving tips and the water cycle through songs and dance

Nursery 2

Kindergarten 1

Kindergarten 2

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