Angela How Huimin

MY World @ Punggol Edge

Angela How Huimin
12 Jul 2023

Befriending Friends with Disabilities  and Needs 2/4 (M.Y World Preschool @ Punggol Edge)

To experience how the loss of sight affects one’s well being, the children made a rainbow craft using materials of different textures such as crepe paper, wrapping foam etc. They then used their sense of touch instead of sight to identify the colours. They also played the game, ‘Bean Bag Toss’ to try to catch beanbags with their eyes blindfolded.

The children were also shown video clips of children with disabilities, such as those who are wheelchair bound or experience loss of arms. The children tried getting their feet to touch their nose, passing balls with their feet with arms folded, running forward with their arms locked behind and scooting on the floor as compared to walking on two legs. Through these games, the children experienced the constraints of movement with limited physical activity. Upon reflection, they concluded that people with physical disability will need more effort/ help to move around and complete tasks.

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