Carpe Diem MI SchoolHouse Pte Ltd

Carpe Diem MI Schoolhouse Pte Ltd

Carpe Diem MI SchoolHouse Pte Ltd
7 Jul 2022

A Learning Journey to “O What Farm”

As our SSDB Project “Towards Zero Food Waste”continues K1 and K2 children had an opportunity to visit Singapore Discovery Centre on Tuesday 28th June 2022.

Children were gathered at the gallery and welcomed by the facilitator, Ms Farah. She introduced about what they would be doing during the trip. She asked the children what were some foods that we could plant. Ms. Farah explained how urban farming was done in Singapore as there were lack of space to do open farming in big open spaces.

Children were divided into groups and had a team activity where they needed to arrange puzzles on how food are processed. After they had completed, the groups would present their answers.

Children then were brought outdoors where they witnessed how plants were grown. They used their senses to learn more about lemongrass, pandan leaves, blue pea flowers, limes, brinjal and chilli plant.

The children were again brought indoors where they learnt how to plant. Each of them were given a small cup, sponge and some seeds for them to grow.

Finally, they listened to the story told by Ms Farah titled ‘Before we eat – From Farm to the Table.’ The children had learnt the different people who had helped to plant, harvested and sold the food that we ate.

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