Chin Siew Khoon

Grace Child Development Centre

Chin Siew Khoon
2 Jul 2023

Soap Making Workshop with Children

Teachers imparted the knowledge and skills of soap making to the children of Nursery Two, Kindergarten One and Kindergarten Two on several occasions in the school.

Children were taught the 4 simple steps of making scented soap. (Melt and Pour Procedure) They experienced making the soaps and put their knowledge and skills into practice. They cut the soap into smaller pieces, put them into melting pot. The soap melted under the hot boiling water. Children were amazed to see transformation of solid soap base to liquid soap under hot water. Then they chose their preferred scent of smell from the 7 types of essential oils were used -lavender, eucalyptus, sweet orange, jasmine, rose, peppermint, and lastly lemongrass). They measured the essential oil and added a few drops of colouring into the plastic jug, and mixed well. The smell of the essential oil wafted through the air and it smelled good.

The next step, the hot liquid soap from melting pot was poured into the plastic jug containing the mixture of oil and colouring, then stirred well. The mixture was poured into the preferred designs on the silicon molds, leave then to cool. Another transformation of properties from liquid to solid. Children saw with their bare eyes. A meaningful learning experiences! Unmold the soaps and wrap with cling wrap. The soaps were ready to be sold to parents. Proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Rainbow Centre.

For safety measures. teachers handled the soap in boiling water

Attached photos of children making scented soaps.

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