
SGM Murni

22 Aug 2023

SGM Murni’s SSDB Launch Party 2023: Caring for Our Grands

The SSDB Launch Party, celebrated intergenerational connections and youthful creativity. Children from N2-K2 took the spotlight, showcasing their talents through their dance and sing-a-long. The party started with the “Willing Hand Oath” recitation led by two of the K2 children, making a promise to do their very best for this SSDB project. 

Through the power of storytelling, our teachers read books relating to grandparents and elderlies. They also opened up a discussion with children where they talked about how to care for their grandparents. 

As a pre-activity, children crafted picture frames as they cherished photos of their grandparents. The N2 children also painted pouches using a batik stamp which will be given to the elderlies in Lion Befrienders’ Active Ageing Centre in Tampines. 

In the tapestry of life, events like this serves as colourful threads that weave the stories of young hearts and generations past. 

“Knowing your grandparents is like discovering a hidden treasure trove of family history, where the past comes alive and connects you to your roots.” - Unknown

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