Yang Yu Valerie

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Kampong Chai Chee Blk 135 (kn)

Yang Yu Valerie
18 Sep 2017

Mother's Day Celebration

Our K1 and K2 celebrated Mother’s Day on 11 May 2017. Each class dedicated a song and dance item for their mothers/grandmothers who were present. 

The mothers and grandmothers participated in a simple game activity where they had to select a hand cut-out containing their child’s handwritten message among a sea of others. 

A video montage showcasing the children’s words of thanks to their mothers was also broadcasted.

After the celebration, the SSDB cum IGP project was explained to the guests along with the significance of their participation and collaboration. Together with the mothers, the K1 children designed a doorknob hanger while the K2 children designed a mug. Both the doorknob hangers and mugs contain water-saving messages.

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