Tandiama Via Allona Abella

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Eunos Blk 620 (CC)

Tandiama Via Allona Abella
8 Aug 2020

It's Never Too Late to Say 'Thank You!': A Tribute to Frontliners, Sparkletots Preschool @ Eunos Blk 620 CC

As we continue to fight this medical battle, and our healthcare soldiers are still risking their lives to win this pandemic war, it is never too late to say ‘thank you!’ We are truly grateful that no matter how scary it can be, you are continuing to become our wings that never falter, so that we can fly high again, together.. Again, THANK YOU TO OUR DEAR FRONTLINERS!!! May you receive our warmest hugs, and worry not, it’ s okay not to be okay. Let’s all struggle and overcome!

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