Nahid Azra

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Sengkang West Blk 330A (DS)

Nahid Azra
17 Jul 2023

Helping Hands!

To begin our SSDB journey entitled, Helping Hands! The activity involved K1 children, who worked together to create a meaningful banner with a tagline that read, “No one can do everything but everyone can do something.” The aim of the activity was to teach the children the importance of collaboration and teamwork.

To create the banner, the children were given watercolour paints and a large sheet of paper. They were instructed to dip their palms in the paint and then stamp them on the banner to create a colourful design. The children worked together to ensure that the design was coherent and aesthetically pleasing.

As they worked, the children were encouraged to help each other and share ideas. They were reminded that while they may not be able to do everything on their own, they can achieve great things when they work together.

At the end of the activity, the children had created a beautiful banner that showcased their collective efforts. The banner served as a reminder of the importance of collaboration and teamwork, and it helped to instil a sense of pride and accomplishment in the children.

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