LET’S BATTLE THE MOSQUITOES - STAY CALM AND SAY NO TO DENGUE Embarking on our 2nd year journey, the theme of this year Start Small Dream Big- Let’s Battle The Mosquitoes- Stay Calm and Say No To Dengue was launched on 10 May 2021. This ...
SSDB LAUNCH PARTY 2021 - Love Starts from within The centre’s theme for this year’s SSDB is, “Making a difference by sending love.” On April, the children decorated and came up with their pledge together with their parents ...
PCF SPARKLETOTS Tampines North 443/444 SSDB LAUNCH PARTY : Pets Day x Costume Party (Responsible Pet Ownership) The K2 children from PCF Sparkletots Tampines North 443/444 participated in the SSDB Launch Party on 7th April 2021. During this party, the children dressed up in pet-themed ...
PCF Sparkletots Tampines North 443/444 ZOOM Interview session with a vet from The Veterinary Clinic😻 - Responsible Pet Ownership On 19th of April 2021, the K2 children participated in a ZOOM interview session with Dr Donovan Goh, a vet from The Veterinary Clinic. During the interview, the children took ...
Start Small Dream Big Launch Party We have launched our ‘Start Small Dream Big’ project on 23 April 2021 with our Nursery 2, Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2 children. Our theme for this year is ‘CARING FOR ...
iCare Project, The kindness Movement - SSDB launch party My Kiddie Klubhouse’s focus on this year’s SSDB Project will be on kindness. Each individual class teacher used books, puppets and current affairs to introduce kindness to the ...
A journey of spreading kindness Take a look to our wonderful adventure as we spread our wings of kindness at home, in school and in the community. 🦋
2021 Launch Party: There's no quarantine on kindness, let's stay connected. Our Nursery 2 children shared their ideas on how they can show love, care and kindness while keeping safe distancing.
Our Start Small Dream Big Journey 2015-present "Healthy Heart, Health Body and Healthy Mind" (SSDB Launch Party-Project Reveal 2021) Our centre has been active to all the Start Small Dream Big since 2015. We have been involved to a lot of community projects and charitable works.> This year 2021, may ...
Celebrating CNY with an inter generational Connection - AMK Renci This year children from PCF Sparkletots Preschool@Blk 622C Punggol collaborated with our SSDB Project community partner Ren Ci Nursing Home to reach out to the elderlies ...
Old yet Not Forgotten (Recycling Clothes) With our aim to help in reducing waste, the children came up with an idea to use the old clothes in making something useful. They gathered old clothes and decided to make a ...