A day without our hands. In this activity, our children learned that there are people who are born or paralysed without hands.They experienced how it is like to have no hands by drawing and writing ...
Heroes in our Life - Occupational & Speech Therapist As part of our SSDB theme ‘A Hero for Everyone’, the K1 and K2 classes celebrated a group of unique community heroes— speech and occupational therapists! This group was extra ...
“ Little minds, big hearts! “ ❤️ [1] Sharing is caring ; indeed!Following the theme on “Many helping hands, caring for everyone”, our children from Brilliant TOTS @ Jalan Kelulut embarked on a journey to an ...
What is it like to be blind? There are various forms of disability and one of it is physical disability - blindness. Together with Singapore Red Cross, we shared about disability and how it has impacted ...
SSDB Launch 2023 On 19th April, we launched the SSDB (Start Small Dream Big) project to bring awareness about deaf culture to our school. This year, we are partnering with the Singapore Deaf ...
Storytelling & Sign Language Song Session by SADeaf In line with our Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project, we collaborated with the Singapore Association for the Deaf (SADeaf) for a storytelling and sign language song singing ...
Journey of the Distribution Team We are finally at our 3rd and last stage of our Launch Event - Distribution of the 500 care packs!The collaboration between our little innovators and parents started early in ...
M.Y WORLD @ ADMIRALTY WE ARE ABLE Charity Carnival We held our very first charity carnival in line with our SSDB project on 30th June 2023 from 6.30pm to 8pm. The carnival had games that brought out awareness of the different ...
“仁” -- 让爱的力量,由内而发 小手大爱,帮助他人的小英雄。学校邀请红十字协会,教授孩子们包扎的基本知识与技巧,孩子们在活动中体会到帮助别人的喜悦与成就感。活动培养了幼儿的紧急救助技能,激发他们成为关怀他人、乐于助人的守护者。孩子们与老师携手,按照新加坡华族文化中心食谱,亲手制作美味的黄梨塔,送给社区中的残疾人士。孩子们用小小的手,为他人的心灵添加一抹亮色,在献爱心的过程中学会了用爱...
SSDB 2023 : Visually Impaired With A Vision - E-Bridge Fernvale Link We began our Start Small, Dream Big (SSDB) initiative by identifying people with visual impairment needs. We discussed how visually impaired people use their senses of touch, ...
Spreading love with our fellow friends @Ain Society Our SSDB project this year has seen numerous interesting activities and has helped to foster the relationship of our students with the fellow communities. Ain Society (Young ...
Cherie Hearts@Charlton: SSDB Young Entrepreneurs’ Day x Fundraising for A Good Cause #SSDB2023 Little Cherians are involved in their project-based learning and based on their chosen topics for their project, they create amazing crafts and products for sale at our annual ...