Tan Hui Jun

Little Atlas Preschool

Tan Hui Jun
21 Jul 2023

Heroes in our Life - Occupational & Speech Therapist

As part of our SSDB theme ‘A Hero for Everyone’, the K1 and K2 classes celebrated a group of unique community heroes— speech and occupational therapists! This group was extra special because one of the therapists is our Little Atlas parent.

The speech therapists shared an introduction of what they do and how they help people who are deaf and non-verbal, through the use of sign language and AAC (augmentative and alternative communication). The children had the opportunity to explore with the AAC device in small groups and were so intrigued by the entire database of pictures.

The children were also taught some Sign Language and learnt to sign words such as big, small, biscuit, sweet, elephant and pig. As a conclusion to this session, we played a game of Broken Telephone and passed a message using sign language.

The occupational therapists also shared an introduction of what they do and had some fun activities planned for our Innovators! The activities helped the children to better understand what occupational therapists help people with, including self-help skills and working around their disabilities.

The first activity involved dressing themselves with only one hand! This proved to be quite challenging for the children, but they eventually managed to do it! In the second activity, the children attempted to stack a burger while wearing sunglasses that have been taped to obstruct their vision. The children had to work around this to look for ingredients to complete their burgers.

It was certainly a very informative and immersive session. The talk was very fun and engaging for the children, who thoroughly enjoyed the activities!

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