Water is precious Our Little Agents are serious in advocating their water conservation project!After learning about the water rationing situation in post-independence Singapore in the 1960s, ...
YWCA WORLD WATER DAY 2021 What does water mean to you? -United NationsIn celebration of the World Water Day 2021, children from Kindergarten 1 of YWCA OUTRAM conducted a 2-day ‘Water Rationing ...
Every Drop Counts! Have you ever wondered why it is safe for us to drink straight from Singapore’s taps?Our Little Agents had a wonderful time discovering how Singapore’s water went through ...
Show and tell It was an exciting day for our Little Agents. They were showcasing their project works on water conservation that they did with their parents.The children worked closely with ...
Save Water Poster The children identified ways they have been wasting water at home and in school. They came up with ways they can cut down on the usage of water and also ways to save them. The ...
Cherie Hearts Kidz Campus @ Pasir Ris Elias Mall - Event: “Singapore World Water Day” in March 2021 Singapore World Water Day falls on 22 March 2021 but we celebrated throughout the month. We conducted water-centric activities a day each week in the month of March.We ...
STOP the DRIP! Be Water Wise! We are proud to announce that our K1 children had embarked on the ‘Start Small Dream Big (SSDB)’ Project and last 30th of April we had our SSDB Launch Party. ‘Start Small ...
Turn Off the Tap! All of us depend on the water every day and we must learn how to keep our limited supply of water clean and away from pollution. Everyone is encouraged to play their part and ...
NEWater Adventure Trip! Aligned to our SSDB Project entitled ‘Stop the Drip, Be Water Wise’ the children had the opportunities to learn about how NEWater Process recycles our treated used water. They ...
KME-"WATER Matters- Have A H.E.A.R.T. to Save It" In supporting PUB’s campaign, our N2-K2 children explored and learnt different ways about water conservation. As we continue to promote our slogan, “Have a H.E.A.R.T. , Lend a ...