Save Semakau The children learnt about Singapore’s one and only landfill, Pulau Semakau, and how we could reduce our daily waste, so as to help to extend the land’s lifespan beyond the ...
Ways to 3Rs ♻️: Parental Involvement Project & Show and Tell The children made posters with their parents on ways they could use 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) on the available resources around them, as part of the parental involvement ...
Al-Muttaqin Mosque Kindergarten: SSDB 2023 Launch Party! On 5th May 2023, Al-Muttaqin Mosque Kindergarten launched our SSDB Party. Our theme for this year is ‘Caring for the Environment and Everyone!’The children watched SSDB 2023 ...
SSDB Launch Party: “Standing Together, Caring For All” PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Punggol Shore (EY) is honoured to present our SSDB launch party for 2023. In conjunction of this year’s Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) Theme -Many ...
Giving back to the community @ PCF SW330A Our N2s at PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Sengkang West 330A kickstarted this year’s Start Small Dream Big project by learning about what SSDB and President’s Challenge are ...
SSDB: Little Big x Willing Heart for our lovely Telok Kurau community Little Big is happy to play a meaningful part to serve the closely knitted community located in Telok Kurau area in the eastern part of Singapore. We have participated in SSDB ...
“Caring for our Community, Celebrating Diversity!” - Children learn that they can start to care, share, be kind, and be a friend to people with learning difficulties! Ms Adrina aims to educate the Nursery children that inclusion is all about the heart! She shares the belief from Kindle Garden (the first inclusive preschool in Singapore) that ...
Choose the planet. Choose secondhand. Our Start Small Dream Big Journey! From Agape Little Uni CCK part 1.
Choose the planet. Choose secondhand. Our Start Small Dream Big Journey! From Agape Little Uni CCK part 2.
SSDB 2022 Bake from The 🤍 K1 and K1 children from PCF Sparkletots Preschool blk 676B @ Punggol Coast had their Bake from the 🤍 SSDB PROJECT to support this year’s theme “Supporting Low income families” ...
Family, where Live Begins and Love Never Ends. “People in love never fight. They just live happily ever after.” is a common myth many people believe in. This may be true if two people were 100% alike, however, we are all ...