Our Little Tree Savers In the month of June and July, our Little Tree Savers embarked fully on their journey in SSDB Project by taking up different roles from toilet rolls inventory, putting up ...
Let's Fight Covid-19 During March Project Work on Let’s Fight Covid-19•The children tried their best to listen and participate actively in the activities given to them during their discussion on ...
Cultural Diversity During the month of May to July, Mini World Child Care @ Chai Chee Drive has celebrated different festivals to promote cultural diversity and enhance cultural appreciation. ...
Back to School In June, Mini World Child Care @ Chai Chee Drive has introduced ‘Back to School with Our New ABC’s ( Let’s Stay Safe Together) upon their return to school. The children ...
Kindness Day SG In conjunction with the Kindness Day SG (KDSG), children of Mini World Child Care @ Chai Chee Drive launched the SSDB 2020 project with a series of activities to encourage ...
A DROP for You and Me - World Water Day 2020 As agents, we should work hand in hand to sustain the cleanliness of water supply not only in Singapore but to the world.This simple movement will change one’s thoughts and ...
Our Home, I Belong! Kindergarten children of Kanooka School House Pte Ltd conducted an online sharing session with the topic “Our Home, I Belong!”Each child shared their thoughts about the topic ...
Our Home 🌍 Millions of ideas are there but as a young one, how will you make a big impact at this period of time where you are not even allowed to go out and be with your friends?During ...
Salute to Our Heroes Terrified… that’s how we felt when COVID19 started hitting the world. Millions of people suffered especially those who are working with the public. It is a very tough choice ...
Together We Care Our K1 children has started off on ways to take care of the environment in their classroom. They have decided to create the recycle bins in their classroom. These recycle bins ...
MY Mozzie-nators @ MY World @ TMPCKT I wonder what can we do to prevent dengue fever?The children discovered that dengue is a problem that has been existing in our neighbourhood by figuring out the meaning ...