Irdina Zainol

Dreamkids Kindergarten

Irdina Zainol
12 Jul 2021

Urban Farming Design

The children talked about what happened to our food supply when COVID-19 first hit last year. We asked questions about Singapore and its local food supply, and where most of our food come from (less than 10% is locally produced!) What will happen if one day, food from other countries could no longer come into Singapore? “OH NO, WE’RE GONNA STARVE!” one of them cried out!

The children learnt about the farms we have in Singapore and we actually have vegetable farms, fish farms and chicken farms! However, the land we actually have for farming is only 1%. The farms in Singapore use little land, instead of big pieces of farmland. They use technology like hydroponic farming and smart machines/robots to help them grow and look after their vegetables.

The children recalled the event of Circuit Breaker and the issue of panic buying. They shared that people might have been scared that there would not be enough food, thus they rushed to stock up on the food. With the discussion, the children proceeded to design a sustainable Singapore that was able to produce our own food. They drew buildings with plants on the walls, more trees in the city, even our own school covered with vegetables and fruit trees! After that they used crepe paper and water to “colour” it, and when it was dry, the results were stunning!

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