Grace Lee


Grace Lee
10 Jul 2024

Trash To Treasure: “The Ultimate Paper Recycling Adventure of M.Y World @ Bukit Panjang”

The Recycling Project Launch Party was held at M.Y World @ Bukit Panjang. The event aimed to kick off our paper recycling initiative, raising awareness among the children and families about the importance of recycling and environmental conservation. The party featured various activities such as SSDB banner grand entrance, Recycling superheroes pledge recital, fashion walk, dance flash mobs, and artwork exhibition to educate and engage everyone in our recycling efforts.

As part of our ongoing paper recycling adventure, the K2 children participated in an exciting and creative exercise to compose a song titled: “Save The World” using the tune of “Fireworks” by Katy Perry. The song composition activity was a resounding success, achieving its objectives of promoting environmental awareness, fostering teamwork, and encouraging creative expression. The children were proud of their creation and excited to share it with the school community. This activity will be remembered as a fun and impactful part of our recycling adventure! 

As we moved forward, the children and parents collected used paper from their homes. They brought in newspapers, magazines and cardboard and other paper materials. Our Recycling superheroes were busy sorting and arranging the recyclable papers at Recycling paper corner. 

Let’s celebrate the success of our Art Jamming Session with the parents, achieving its goal of educating parents, developing practical skills, and promoting environmental stewardship. The hands-on activities and collaborative design sessions empowered parents to continue upcycling at home and involve their children in these creative and fostering a culture of sustainability and creativity within the community. 🥳

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