Pamolarco Angie Pedida

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Kebun Baru Blk 180 (CC)

Pamolarco Angie Pedida
13 Oct 2021

SSDB Project: Caring for the Environment Launching Day

The children were excited to participate in the activities and president’s challenges in which they shared some ways to take care of the environment.

-Throw the rubbish in the dustbin and don’t litter.

-Use the 3R’s: Reuse, Reduce and Recycle

-Keep your surroundings clean

-Plant more trees to save the earth

Here are the snapshots of the N2-K2 children in their launching day!

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Designing of stars.

Our SSDB wall display and corner:

The children and the staff contributed to put different recyclable materials in our Green Corner.

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