Tan Lay Hong

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Limbang Blk 567 (CC)

Tan Lay Hong
15 Oct 2021

SSDB 2021 - With You In Mind (Part 2)

“The most truly generous persons are those who give silently without hope of praise or reward.” - Carol Ryrie Brink

Finally, our tote bags have underwent a huge transformation from blank ones to beautifully designed and painted ones! With everyone’s efforts and the support from teachers, our children were able to complete 50 tote bags in total - all to be gifted to our community cleaners!

Presenting to you the beautifully designed tote bags by our K1 children!

Here are some of the end-products by our K2 children! Ranging from heart-shape designs, flower designs to butterfly designs. 

What a heartwarming sight to see! Our K2 children presented the designed tote bags to one of the cleaner representatives shown in the pictures above. Looks of satisfaction were seen on both the cleaner and our children’s faces! 

Through this project, our children learnt the true meaning behind showing appreciation and different ways to show appreciation to these community helpers. Towards the end of this SSDB project, our children did a reflection as a class. They learnt that besides gifting tokens of appreciation, they could also simply greet and thank the cleaners if they happen to meet them around the neighbourhood in future. Simple actions like this would definitely go a long way in showing appreciation and cheering our community helpers up!

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