Teachers @ sunflowerbedoksouth

Sunflower Preschool @ Bedok South

Teachers @ sunflowerbedoksouth
30 Sep 2020

SSDB 2020 Water Conservation Closure! I am Small but I can do my part to Save Water!

We had a closure party on 28 Sept and all levels- PG to K2 were involved. The PG and N1 created ‘Water Wally’ headgear and danced to the song, “Water Wally Shower Dance”! The N2s put up a short skit on how rice water help tomatoes and spinach grow! The seniors of the preschool, K1s and K2s, helped to grow some tomatoes and spinach using rice water and recorded their observations in Sunflower @ Bedok South’s podcast! They were also invited to use their senses to explore the spinach and tomatoes! We may have come to a closure for our SSDB 2020 project but water savings will never end for the children at Sunflower @ Bedok South!

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